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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Home Stretch

Well, we're looking down the home stretch! As we near the end of the project look for some important milestones. Just as in every other stage in the process, every step is dependent on the step before completing. Now that we are close to the finish, they start to funnel down to the last items. Following is the type of logic that goes into the final portion of the schedule, and how everything hinges on the other:

Windows and Doors - Stucco cannot continue until the windows are completed, as we have to lath and seal around every penetration to the outside.

Stucco/Lath - Drywall cannot begin until the building envelope is sealed - until there is lath all the way around the building, sealing all exterior penetrations.

Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing - Insulation and Drywall cannot begin until all of the MEP items are completed and inspected.

Insulation - Drywall cannot be completed until the insulation is all installed.

Drywall - None of the finishes can be completed until the drywall goes on and the texture is complete.

Paint - The T-Bar, tile, flooring, and MEP trim cannot be completed until the paint is on the walls.

T-Bar - The ceiling light fixtures, HVAC registers, fire alarm sensors, and fire sprinkler trims cannot be installed until the T-Bar ceiling has been installed.

Tile - The plumbing fixtures and some electrical trim cannot be installed until the tile is laid and grouted.

These are some things to look out for as you visit the site and wonder why something isn't happening yet! The question to ask is not "why has xyz not started yet?" instead ask "what isn't finished yet that xyz hasn't started?".

We'll keep you posted...